We had some great proposals this year, and are happy to announce our 2022 Recipients for
projects in 2023:

Dublin City Schools – Chapman Elementary
Chapman Outdoor Learning Lab

Project Summary: Develop outdoor learning lab – add native plants to restore natural habitat for
birds. Columbus Audubon funds will be used to purchase plants and necessary materials.

The Pines Wildflower Committee
Prairie Improvement Project

Project Summary: Converting old field habitat to native natural prairies, and install bluebird and
bat boxes. Columbus Audubon funds will Funds will be used to purchase seeds and plant plugs, starter kits, compost, and other materials.

Jacob Morgan of Ohio University
Movement Ecology of Overwintering Sparrows

Project Summary: Analyze landscape patch use and movement to form conservation plans for
grassland birds. Columbus Audubon funds will cover travel outside of initial study site to enable radiotelemetry studies and documentation of overwinter habitat patch use on a fine scale.

Columbus Audubon is proud to be able to offer the opportunity to support conservation projects
throughout Ohio, with a focus on central Ohio.

The grant proposal period opens up in late summer, so please visit the website again at that
time for details.