American White Pelicans - Photo Caleb Putnam

American White Pelicans Nesting in Ohio

First documented nesting of American White Pelicans in Ohio Ohio has a new breeding bird species. Observers discovered and documented American White Pelicans nesting on a small island in Sandusky Bay last spring and summer. Bruce Buckingham and Laura Kearns, of the Ohio Division of Wildlife, wrote about their finding in a recent issue of

Gray-cheeked Thrush - Photo Earl Harrison

Listen to Bird Songs To Improve Your Mental Health

April brings a rush of migrating birds and birdsong to Ohio, bringing joy to birders in the state. Research shows that it has another benefit: it can improve your mental health. In a new study, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Germany examined how traffic noise and birdsong affected mood, paranoia,

EcoWeekend: Tree Canopy with Sky

Why Leaves Are Coming Out Earlier Each Spring

Birders and other nature enthusiasts have no doubt noticed that trees are leafing out earlier each spring here in Ohio and elsewhere in the northern hemisphere. A new study by researchers at The Ohio State University helps explain why: It’s a drop in the total number of rainy days each year. Scientists have known that

Eastern Bluebird - Photo Earl Harrison

CA-funded Study Examines Bluebird Nestling Survival in Ohio

A study partially funded by Columbus Audubon shows that Eastern Bluebirds in Ohio struggle to take care of their young in less favorable environmental conditions. Researchers at Ohio University monitored 76 bluebird nest boxes in Athens County in 2018 and 2019 to see if bluebird parents were able to overcome obstacles like lower food availability