White-throated Sparrow - Photo Earl Harrison

White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis)

Columbus Audubon thanks Laura Dornan and the Canton Audubon Society for their kind permission to republish this article. One of the joys of backyard birding on a wintry day in Ohio is seeing White-throated Sparrows at your ground feeders. This attractive and easy-to-identify sparrow breeds in the coniferous and mixed forests of Canada, New England,

Common Nighthawk - Photo Brandon Trentler

Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor)

Columbus Audubon thanks Laura Dornan and the Canton Audubon Society for their kind permission to republish this article. Chordeiles, from the Greek word Chorde, meaning a stringed musical instrument, and deile, meaning afternoon or evening, describes this member of the Nightjar family, flying overhead in the evening, hunting insects drawn to street lights. Except it