Avid Birders Schedule: 2004 – 2005

Date Time Destination
June 11-13, 2004 6:00 pm West Virginia: Swainson’s Warbler, boreal breeders, etc.1
July 31, 2004 5:30 am Erie shore breeders & shorebirds, perhaps incl. Pte. Mouillee
August 28, 2004 5:30 am Erie shore breeders & shorebirds, perhaps incl. Pte. Mouillee
September 11-12, 2004 5:30 am Conneaut, Presque Isle SP: shorebirds, gulls, raptors, sparrows 2
October 16, 2004 5:30 am Erie shore migrant landbirds and shorebirds
November 13, 2004 5:30 am reservoirs, and perhaps Lake Erie
December 4, 2004 5:30 am Erie shore for gulls, waterfowl
January 8, 2005
5:30 am Erie shore for gulls, waterfowl, other winter birds
February 5, 2005 5:30 am Erie shore for gulls, waterfowl, other winter birds
March 12, 2005 5:30 am Reservoirs, marshes, for waterfowl, raptors, early migrants
April 2-3, 2005 dawn Illinois/Indiana for Prairie Chickens, Smith’s Longspurs, etc. 3
  1. Limited to 12 participants: New River Gorge, Cranberry Glades, Monongahela NF, etc.  reservations to Brad Sparks between 25 May and 1 June.
  2. Lake Co., then Conneaut forst day, stay in Erie.  Presque Isle am then Conneaut again next day.
  3. Participants may drive by night 2 Apr, or leave 1 Apr and stay overnight in vicinity; the trip begins at announced Prairie-Chicken lek site at dawn.  Longspurs either in e. IL or w. IN, then either Lake Mich or Willow Slough.  Please give you e-mail or postal address to Bill Whan by 25 Mar for detailed instructions.
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