Avid Birders Schedule: 2005 – 2006

June 11, 20055:30 amMohican State Forest and nearby grasslands
July 30, 20055:30 amErie shore breeders & shorebirds, perhaps incl. Pte. Mouillee
August 20, 20055:30 amErie shore breeders & shorebirds, perhaps incl. Pte. Mouillee
September 10, 20055:30 amLake Erie shore migrants
October 15, 20055:30 amLake Erie MP in Michigan for raptor migration: other spots
November 12, 20055:30 amReservoirs, and perhaps Lake Erie
December 2-4, 2005New Jersey for pelagic trip and shore birding1
January 7, 20065:30 amErie shore for gulls, waterfowl, other winter birds
February 24, 20066:30 amOSU museum bird collection am; pm local birding2
March 18, 20065:30 amLake Erie marshes for waterfowl, other early migrants
April 22, 20065:30 amSW Ohio migrants: Spring Valley, Miami-Whitewater, etc.
  1. Fri.-Sun. trip to east coast for pelagic/ocean shore birds: contact Brad Sparks (614-751-6622) for details.
  2. Note 6:30 am start time: contact Bill Whan (614-262-3595) if any questions.
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