Avid Birders Schedule: 2006 – 2007

June 10, 20065:30 amUnexplored S. Ohio: Swainson’s warbler search, atlasing, etc.
July 29, 20065:30 amLake Erie shore breeders & shorebirds
August 19, 20065:30 amLake Erie shore breeders & shorebirds
September 9, 20065:30 amLake Erie shore migrants: Sheldon Marsh and west
October 7, 20065:30 amAmish country for Ammodramus sparrows, Conneaut
November 11, 20065:30 amWestern reservoirs, and perhaps Lake Erie
December 9, 20065:30 amReservoirs and Lake Erie for water birds
January 6, 20075:30 amErie shore for gulls w/John Pogacnik
February 24, 20075:30 amWaterfowl and other early migrants—best spot
Early April date, 2007TBAColorado Chicken Trip1
April 28, 20075:30 amGreet spring migrants at Shawnee State Fore
Randy Rogers will lead a trip for twelve (regular Avids participants get first dibs) for a week in Colorado (ptarmigan, 2 spp. sage grouse, lesser prairie-chicken, blue grouse, boreal owl, mt. plover, three rosy-finches, two breeding longspurs, Clark’s grebe, other western plains and mt. species).  Reservations required, further details to be announced in June.

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