Avid Birders Schedule 2008 – 2009

June 6-7-8, 2008TBAUnexplored S. Ohio: Swainson’s warbler search, atlasing, etc. For more ifnormation, contact Brad Sparks.
July 125:30 amSouthern Ohio explorations & atlasing
August 165:30 amShorebirds wherever they may be found
September 135:30 amSongbird and shorebird migrants, Northern Ohio
October 45:30 amSparrow, raptor migrants
November 85:30 amWestern reservoirs, etc.
December 65:30 amGulls, waterfowl along Lake Erie
January 10, 20095:30 amCold-weather gulling, probably Cleveland lakefront
February 285:30 amBirds of the season
March 285:30 amBirds of the season
April 255:30 amGreet spring migrants at some new southern Ohio spots
*As always, we will issue invitations for spontaneous twitches, chases, and unheralded adventures via phone and electronic mail as events call for them.
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