Birdathon 2018 Report: OYBC Chickpeas

Upland Sandpiper - Photo Earl Harrison

Our Central Ohio chapter – Ohio Young Birders team, the Chickpeas, finished our 2018 Birdathon with 81 species seen on June 2! That is 6 more than The Chickpeas team goal of 75. We can guess that nearly 100% of our participants got life birds before the day was over, especially with the added side-trip to the OSU farms and airport. Can you say Upland Sandpiper???

The Central Ohio Chapter of OYBC is very thankful to Columbus Audubon for sponsorship and support, and our annual Birdathon is one way we can give back. We would be so pleased if you are inspired to support our 2018 Birdathon! It’s not too late to go to the Columbus Audubon website to support us with your donation. If you’ve already supported the Chickpeas, we sincerely thank you!

Here are two accounts of our Birdathon day written by the Chickpeas themselves:

From Katelyn Shelton

Chickpeas Having FunOn June 2nd, the rising sun was greeted with the excited smiles of Young Birders across Ohio. That day, the Central Ohio chapter of Ohio Young Birders Club, otherwise known as Team Chickpeas, set out to meet at Twin Lakes for one of the most thrilling events of the year: the Birdathon of 2018.

We were given the challenging goal of 75 species to be sighted in a single day. But the Young Birders tackled the challenge with enthusiasm and confidence. Working together, the Chickpeas pushed past their goal for the final number of 81 species.

At the end of the bird filled day, all the participants could agree they had an enriching and successful experience. But of course, something as amazing as this did not come from just anywhere.

Each year, Columbus Audubon, our sponsor, has generously offered firm support to OYBC, helping fan the flames of so many young hearts, bringing them into the light of our natural world and what importance and beauty it holds. For this, OYBC warmly thanks Columbus Audubon for it’s generosity.

And OYBC gives another tremendous thanks to all the kind people who donated to them. It means the world to all the young and old Birders alike. These donations will continue to bring joy to the hearts of many through experiences of no compare. And these experiences will continue to nurture countless passions and minds — right here in Ohio.

Thank you.

Katelyn Shelton is a 14 year old member of the Central Ohio chapter of the OYBC, and also a member of the OYBC Youth Advisory Board, where she provides leadership for the group.

From Adriana Losey

On June 2, the Ohio Young Birders ventured to Twin Lakes to bird by kayak. Birding by Kayak is a OYBC Central Chapter annual event. We work with The Adaptive Adventure Sports Coalition (TAASC) for this event.

This was my 4th year attending Birding by Kayak and I was very excited. The day started out with us getting checked in and being introduced to our leaders. We picked out our kayaks and headed out. It was cool and cloudy, but I think it’s better than hot and sunny, just from past experiences. Before kayaking under the bridge, highlights were Acadian Flycatcher and Yellow-throated Vireo. After crossing under the bridge, one group stayed in the open area to bird and another went back in an inlet. I went with the inlet group and highlights were Prothonotary Warbler, Yellow-throated Warbler, and Northern Parula. After that we went back into the open and switched and then we all met up at an end point. We got great views of a Prothonotary Warbler entering it’s next box. We decided to head back. The group fell apart and I birded with two other birders for a little while. We saw and heard a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, then decided to head back. We ate lunch, then visited OSU Mussel Center, and checked nest boxes.

A few other Birders and I decided to go to the OSU airport to chase a couple species. We saw and heard many Dickcissels. We also managed to pick up Upland Sandpiper, which was a lifer for many of the birders.

It was a great day and our Birdathon team, the Chickpeas, ended the day with 81 species.

Adriana Losey is a member of the Central Ohio chapter of the OYBC.

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