Sign at the entrance to Calamus Swamp

Columbus Audubon is soliciting proposals to implement the Calamus Swamp Restoration Project. Calamus Swamp may be the sole remaining high-quality wetland in the Lick Run-Scioto River HUC-12 watershed, but has become infested with invasive species, particularly reed canary grass and non-native cattails. The purpose of the project is to restore the swamp to a higher quality wetland through invasive species removal and native plantings.

The project is located at the Calamus Swamp Preserve, which is open to the public. The address for the preserve is 23800 OH-104, Circleville, Ohio. This project is grant-funded by the Ohio EPA under the Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program with a maximum restoration budget of $125,000.

Proposals shall be delivered by email to Allison Boehler at by Wednesday, July 12, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. local time.

Click the link for the Scope of Services and the rest of the RFP (.pdf format)