Update for Two Raptor Species in Delaware County: Spring, 2011
Dick Tuttle gives us an early-season update on Osprey and American Kestrel nestings.
Update for Two Raptor Species in Delaware County: Spring, 2011 Read More »
Dick Tuttle gives us an early-season update on Osprey and American Kestrel nestings.
Update for Two Raptor Species in Delaware County: Spring, 2011 Read More »
Dick Tuttle provides an update on Bluebirds and nesting in 2010 in Delaware State Park.
Dick Tuttle reports on the 2009 and 2010 nesting seasons for Tree Swallows. Do you know what “feather tossing” is and how you can do it? Read on for enlightenment….
Dick Tuttle reports on the 2010 nesting season for Ospreys in Delaware County. The success story continues!
For the last eighteen years, Dick Tuttle and Dick Phillips have monitored a fifty-mile-long trail of roadside kestrel nestboxes found mostly in the northwest corner of Delaware County. Every nest has its story, and each family’s nesting cycle has its own chapters of survival over time. In this article, Dick Tuttle tells us the story of nest K-14, a most intriguing history that played out as the latest and last kestrel nest of the 2010 season.
Dick Tuttle provides us with another update on American Kestrels and Ospreys nesting in Delaware County. Read Dick’s latest update on his efforts and the nesting success of these popular species.