
A female kestrel in K-2 snuggles against her nestlings. Unfortunately, her remaining eggs failed to hatch.

Delaware Kestrels: The Saga of K-14

For the last eighteen years, Dick Tuttle and Dick Phillips have monitored a fifty-mile-long trail of roadside kestrel nestboxes found mostly in the northwest corner of Delaware County. Every nest has its story, and each family’s nesting cycle has its own chapters of survival over time.  In this article, Dick Tuttle tells us the story of nest K-14, a most intriguing history that played out as the latest and last kestrel nest of the 2010 season.

Delaware Kestrels: The Saga of K-14 Read More »

Invasive species: Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica)

As noted previously in this column, an invasive species is a non-native plant or animal that causes significant damage to wildlife and wildlife habitat. Invasive species cause billions of dollars of damage annually to crops, rangelands and waterways. An invasive species of concern in Central Ohio is common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica).

Invasive species: Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) Read More »

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