Spotted Sandpiper (photo: Earl Harrison)

Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius)

It was one of those miserable hot August days. The only upside, if it can be called that, was that the water levels at Hoover Reservoir had been dropping and exposing some mudflats. (Note: With Columbus’ increased growth, the Water Department doesn’t let this happen much anymore.) That’s good shorebird potential, and we slogged out to take…

Yellow-throated Warbler - Photo Mark Bishop

Creature Feature: Yellow-throated Warbler

It was a cold April morning, long before most neotropical migrants arrive. We were looking and listening for one of the first real sounds of Spring in Ohio – a singing Yellow-throated Warbler (Setophaga dominica). These colorful little birds return much earlier than most warblers, and often start to set up territories along central Ohio…

The Orchids of Winter

The Orchids of Winter

We’d hiked along the woodland in southern Indiana in late fall, reveling in the piles of downed tree leaves.   But here were green leaves, and they weren’t on trees. They were sprouting from the ground!    Not only that, but they seemed to be in 2 varieties. One had closely spaced white veins running the length of…