Thank you from Katelyn Shelton
This year, I got to participate in one of the most memorable bird camps I’ve been to yet; and it would be my pleasure to thank you, Columbus Audubon.
This year, I got to participate in one of the most memorable bird camps I’ve been to yet; and it would be my pleasure to thank you, Columbus Audubon.
Thank you Columbus Audubon for providing me with a scholarship so that I could attend Victor Emmual Nature Tours Camp Chiricahua in Southeastern Arizona. I had an amazing time learning, making unforgettable memories, and new friendships. We spent our days in many different locations. We traveled to different mountain ranges throughout southeastern Arizona. We went
Acknowledgments: I am grateful to many people for making this experience possible: First and foremost, to Iain Campbell of Tropical Birding for extending the offer for me to volunteer at Tandayapa; also the Columbus Audubon Society for funding through the John Wilson Memorial Scholarship Fund; and to the staff at Tandayapa and Tropical Birding for
Toucans, Tourists, and Trashcan-Tarantulas: A Wilson Fund Report Read More »
Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, our John Wilson Memorial Education Fund has passed a milestone: We have distributed over $10,000 in scholarships and support for environmental education. Among other things, Wilson Fund awards have helped send deserving young birders to Camp Colorado and to Ecuador for a summer semester program, provided scholarships