Video Report: OYBC at Blendon Woods
A video interview with members of the Central Ohio Chapter of the Ohio Young Birders Club and the OSU Ornithology Club.
A video interview with members of the Central Ohio Chapter of the Ohio Young Birders Club and the OSU Ornithology Club.
Banding ducks? Who knew there was such a thing? Katelyn tells us about a magical morning.
This year, I got to participate in one of the most memorable bird camps I’ve been to yet; and it would be my pleasure to thank you, Columbus Audubon.
Thank you Columbus Audubon for providing me with a scholarship so that I could attend Victor Emmual Nature Tours Camp Chiricahua in Southeastern Arizona. I had an amazing time learning, making unforgettable memories, and new friendships. We spent our days in many different locations. We traveled to different mountain ranges throughout southeastern Arizona. We went
The youth advisors of the Central Ohio Chapter of the Ohio Young Birders joined Darlene Sillick on July 1 at the Safari Golf Club to check up on the more than fifty Purple Martin nest gourds located there. Read on to see what happened.
Poop, Parasites, and More: Helping Purple Martins Read More »