Book Corner: The Backyard Bird Chronicles
Before I was half way through The Backyard Chronicles by Amy Tan, I had already begun composing a review in my head. That’s how much I wanted others to know about and read this book….
Before I was half way through The Backyard Chronicles by Amy Tan, I had already begun composing a review in my head. That’s how much I wanted others to know about and read this book….
Many birders who go on to write books about birds started birding as youngsters or young adults. But some do not — and Laura Dornan reviews a book by one of these late bloomers.
Book Corner: Field Notes From An Unintentional Birder Read More »
The full title says it all: Unseen City: The Majesty of Pigeons, the Discreet Charm of Snails, and Other Wonders of the Urban Wilderness. Author Nathaniel Johnson, assisted by his toddler daughter, shows us that their typical urban neighborhood is alive with the wonders of that “urban wilderness”. All we need to do is lift
You’ev heard the expressions: “bird brain”, “featherhead”. And what’s “turkey” if not a low-IQ loser? But Jennifer Ackerman begs to differ. Throughout her easy-reading but informative book, The Genius of Birds, she shows us how birds are smarter than we ever thought. From talking parrots to seed caching jays to puzzle-solving crows, we see example
In this book, author Terry Masear tells us about the real adventures of a hummingbird rescuer in Los Angeles
In this book, author Terry Masear tells us about the real adventures of a hummingbird rescuer in Los Angeles
Fastest Things on Wings: Rescuing Hummingbirds in Hollywood Read More »