Eastern Screech Owl: Red Phase - Photo Tom Sheley

Dr. Blake Mathys has been hard at work with his research through the Central Ohio Owl Project (COOP).  If you know of any likely locations for Barn Owls, Long-eared Owls, and Northern Saw-whet Owls, please email Dr. Mathys; all locations will be kept strictly confidential.  For more information, visit the COOP project website.

Here’s a quick update from him on recent activities:

Barred Owl - Central Ohio Owl Project December, 2021
Barred Owl

The fall 2022 Northern Saw-whet Owl banding season was the best I have had so far. I banded 34 owls and caught one that was already banded; it had originally been caught at Long Point Bird Observatory in Ontario. I had two nights catching eight owls and another with seven; my previous high count had been four in one night. The only other owl species I caught this fall was an Eastern Screech-Owl that I had originally banded in 2020; I have now caught this same individual at least five times. This was a very active season, with many owls being caught on bright moonlit nights (which is not what is normally expected). I will be continuing to look for wintering owls, and already found one roosting Northern Saw-whet Owl in Logan County on December 9th.