Christmas Bird Count 2009: Hoover Reservoir

Sandhill Crane Soaring - Photo Earl Harrison

2009 marked the 54th Hoover Reservoir Christmas Bird Count. The Hoover Reservoir Circle includes Hoover Reservoir, Alum Creek Reservoir, Westerville Reservoir, areas along the Olentangy River, Highbanks Metro Park, Inniswood Metro Park, Sharon Woods Metro Park, Westerville and portions of Southern Delaware County.


  • 1 new species: Sandhill Crane
  • New new highs for 3 species
  • Tying the high for 2 species

The 2010 Hoover Reservoir Christmas Bird Count will be held Saturday, December 18, 2010.


  • 15 Teams in the field
  • 34 Participants in the field
  • 10 Feeder Watchers

Species List

4Common Loon
2Pied-billed Grebe
2Horned Grebe
13Great Blue Heron
2,147Canada Geese
2Green-winged Teal
90American Black Duck
5Northern Pintail
3Northern Shoveler
2American Wigeon
5Lesser Scaup
6Common Goldeneye
153Hooded Merganser
303Ruddy Duck
5Bald Eagle
1Northern Harrier
1Sharp-shinned Hawk
15Cooper’s Hawk
1Red-shouldered Hawk
25Red-tailed Hawk
7American Kestrel
9Wild Turkey
3Sandhill Crane
47Bonaparte’s Gull
1,248Ring-billed Gull
13Herring Gull
152Rock Pigeon
126Mourning Dove
2Great Horned Owl
4Barred Owl
2Belted Kingfisher
5Red-headed Woodpecker
103Red-bellied Woodpecker
2Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
111Downy Woodpecker
5Hairy Woodpecker
40Northern Flicker
8Pileated Woodpecker
239Blue Jay
253American Crow
107Horned Lark
325Carolina Chickadee
193Tufted Titmouse
6Red-breasted Nuthatch
99White-breasted Nuthatch
11Brown Creeper
30Carolina Wren
1House Wren
4Golden-crowned Kinglet
2Ruby-crowned Kinglet
105Eastern Bluebird
2Hermit Thrush
456American Robin
1Gray Catbird
16Northern Mockingbird
1,998European Starling
14Cedar Waxwing
13Yellow-rumped Warbler
337Northern Cardinal
1Eastern Towhee
53American Tree Sparrow
1Chipping Sparrow
1Fox Sparrow
36Song Sparrow
2Swamp Sparrow
148White-throated Sparrow
1White-crowned Sparrow
249Dark-eyed Junco
34Red-winged Blackbird
164House Finch
1Pine Siskin
294American Goldfinch
604House Sparrow

Additional Count Week Birds

Double-crested Cormorant, Redhead, Canvasback and Ring-necked Duck.


11,209 Individuals
77 Species

Compiler: Charles Bombaci, 6715 Henschen Circle, Westerville, Ohio 43082

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