Christmas Bird Count 2009: O’Shaughnessy Reservoir

Count Summary

Number of Party Hours: 69.5
Species reported on count date: 76

Our actual species on count day were 73, plus 3 species for count week for a total of 76 species.

The weather was very cold weather for counters and birds alike, with most water areas frozen. We feel that this limited both the number of species and number of individuals. On to next year!

It was special to be able to count a 60 acre private property as an extra area in our circle. Doing so produced two species for the day not seen anywhere else in the circle.

We also noted very high numbers of Horned Larks due to cold and snow cover. As an added treat, we found Lapland Longspurs and two Snow Buntings.

Start TimeEnd Time
07:30 AM05:15 PM


In Field:Total Number: 37
Minimum Number of Parties (daylight): 12
Maximum Number of Parties (daylight): 12
At Feeders:Total Number: 7

Party Hours and Distance
(excludes viewing at feeders and nocturnal birding)

All distances are in miles.
By Foot :Hours: 19.0Distance: 21.50 mi
By Car :Hours: 50.5Distance: 426.50 mi
Other Time and Distance
At Feeders:Hours: 4.5
Nocturnal Birding:Hours:0.5Distance: .00 mi
Total Party :Hours: 69.5Distance: 448.00 mi


TemperatureMinimum: 4 F°Maximum: 18 F°
Wind DirectionNorth West
Wind VelocityMinimum: 4.0Maximum: 12.0
Snow DepthMinimum: 3.0Maximum: 4.0
Still WaterPartly Frozen
Moving WaterPartly Open

AM and PM Conditions

Cloud CoverAM: Partly Cloudy PM: Cloudy
AM RainNone
AM SnowLight
PM RainNone
PM SnowLight


or cw



of counts

Snow Goose (blue form) 73 in 1085
Canada Goose 19694431 in 10946
Tundra Swan 83 in 1092
Wood Duck 22 in 874
American Black Duck 291128 in 6044
Mallard 3071367 in 10849
Northern Pintail 120 in 609
Canvasback 215 in 662
Redhead 184 in 884
Ring-necked Duck 80130 in 1082
Lesser Scaup 112 in 1086
Common Goldeneye 827 in 6023
Hooded Merganser 168 in 10228
Ruddy Duck cw2 in 1083
Ring-necked Pheasant 116 in 6216
Pied-billed Grebe 1154 in 10816
Great Blue Heron (Blue form) 2660 in 10937
Turkey Vulture 11 in 1081
Bald Eagle 614 in 1097
Northern Harrier 821 in 10828
Sharp-shinned Hawk 11 in 1099
Cooper’s Hawk 1216 in 10837
Red-shouldered Hawk 46 in 10615
Red-tailed Hawk 8781 in 10746
Rough-legged Hawk 14 in 7712
American Kestrel 2557 in 9447
Merlin cw2 in 1091
Sandhill Crane cw4 in 971
Ring-billed Gull 216538 in 10934
Herring Gull 417 in 9325
Rock Pigeon 387255 in 1066
Mourning Dove 3551013 in 10848
Great Horned Owl 34 in 10717
Barred Owl 35 in 10910
Belted Kingfisher 39 in 10736
Red-headed Woodpecker 212 in 7911
Red-bellied Woodpecker 89120 in 10946
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 16 in 10711
Downy Woodpecker 150113 in 10949
Hairy Woodpecker 2128 in 10840
Northern Flicker 5231 in 1096
Pileated Woodpecker 38 in 10914
Blue Jay 272347 in 10849
American Crow 231261 in 10246
Horned Lark 614414 in 7440
Carolina Chickadee 265251 in 10949
Tufted Titmouse 11598 in 10949
Red-breasted Nuthatch 213 in 10811
White-breasted Nuthatch 7288 in 10949
Brown Creeper 1618 in 10644
Carolina Wren 1260 in 10742
Winter Wren 31 in 655
Golden-crowned Kinglet 321 in 9633
Eastern Bluebird 107113 in 10727
American Robin 1136858 in 10931
Gray Catbird 11 in 1092
Northern Mockingbird 1134 in 7547
European Starling 48216787 in 9447
Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler 210 in 10715
Eastern Towhee 13 in 1082
American Tree Sparrow 251431 in 7448
Fox Sparrow 114 in 1083
Song Sparrow 62170 in 7449
Swamp Sparrow 421 in 1087
White-throated Sparrow 4799 in 10927
White-crowned Sparrow 1141 in 9026
Dark-eyed Junco 341454 in 1065
Lapland Longspur 53 in 703
Snow Bunting 230 in 704
Northern Cardinal 368281 in 10947
Eastern Meadowlark 424 in 5918
Common Grackle 2800 in 8822
Purple Finch 528 in 835
House Finch 209517 in 10825
American Goldfinch 242323 in 10846
House Sparrow 11011281 in 9748
cw = Reported count week;
US = Flagged as an unusual species;
HC = Flagged as an unusually high count.
LC = Flagged as an unusually low count.
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