Art Exhibit: It’s An Honor to Be Here: Ohio Nature Artists in Their Natural State
77 S High St ColumbusArt Exhibit: A Touch of Red, by Regina Dorfmeyer
Grange Insurance Audubon Center 505 W Whittier St, ColumbusWeek of Events
Bows For Birds An Outdoor Scavenger Hunt With Prizes For The Whole Family!
Bows For BirdsAn Outdoor Scavenger Hunt With Prizes For The Whole Family!January 18-March 9A challenge inviting families to discover and explore the Scioto Audubon Metro Park this winter while learning about and identifying bird species that exist year-round in Ohio. More information and scavenger hunt maps available at Grange Insurance Audubon Center front desk beginning […]
Bows For Birds An Outdoor Scavenger Hunt With Prizes For The Whole Family!
Bows For BirdsAn Outdoor Scavenger Hunt With Prizes For The Whole Family!January 18-March 9A challenge inviting families to discover and explore the Scioto Audubon Metro Park this winter while learning about and identifying bird species that exist year-round in Ohio. More information and scavenger hunt maps available at Grange Insurance Audubon Center front desk beginning […]
Art Exhibit: It’s An Honor to Be Here: Ohio Nature Artists in Their Natural State
It’s An Honor to Be Here: Ohio Nature Artists in Their Natural State Art Exhibit at the Ohio Arts Council Riffe Gallery Come see Ohio Nature Artists in Their Natural State at the Ohio Arts Council Riffe Gallery. This exhibition features contemporary works of art by 16 artists who live and work in Ohio. Curators Maria Burke and […]
Art Exhibit: A Touch of Red, by Regina Dorfmeyer
A Touch of Red, by Regina DorfmeyerRegina is a self-taught, visually impaired finger-painter, and digital artist from Cleveland, Ohio.March 6—April 27More information coming soon on this Art at Audubon exhibit!
Field Trip: Woodcock Walk
Field Trip: Woodcock Walk
Woodcock WalkWhen: Monday, March 10, 7:15 PM-8:00 PMWhere: Meet at Walnut Woods Metro Park Tall Pines Area parking lot Description: Celebrate the second to last week of winter with one of our earliest migratory birds: the American Woodcock. These chunky shorebirds put on whirling whimsical flight displays in the evening accompanied by their characteristic PEENT call and wing flutters! Sometimes we […]
Field Trip: Woodcock Walk
Field Trip: Woodcock Walk
Woodcock WalkWhen: Monday, March 10, 7:15 PM-8:00 PMWhere: Meet at Walnut Woods Metro Park Tall Pines Area parking lot Description: Celebrate the second to last week of winter with one of our earliest migratory birds: the American Woodcock. These chunky shorebirds put on whirling whimsical flight displays in the evening accompanied by their characteristic PEENT call and wing flutters! Sometimes we […]
Field Trip: Woodcock Walk
Field Trip: Woodcock Walk
Woodcock WalkWhen: Monday, March 10, 7:15 PM-8:00 PMWhere: Meet at Walnut Woods Metro Park Tall Pines Area parking lot Description: Celebrate the second to last week of winter with one of our earliest migratory birds: the American Woodcock. These chunky shorebirds put on whirling whimsical flight displays in the evening accompanied by their characteristic PEENT call and wing flutters! Sometimes we […]
Field Trip: Woodcock Walk
Field Trip: Woodcock Walk
Woodcock WalkWhen: Monday, March 10, 7:15 PM-8:00 PMWhere: Meet at Walnut Woods Metro Park Tall Pines Area parking lot Description: Celebrate the second to last week of winter with one of our earliest migratory birds: the American Woodcock. These chunky shorebirds put on whirling whimsical flight displays in the evening accompanied by their characteristic PEENT call and wing flutters! Sometimes we […]
Field Trip: Woodcock Walk
Field Trip: Woodcock Walk
Woodcock WalkWhen: Monday, March 10, 7:15 PM-8:00 PMWhere: Meet at Walnut Woods Metro Park Tall Pines Area parking lot Description: Celebrate the second to last week of winter with one of our earliest migratory birds: the American Woodcock. These chunky shorebirds put on whirling whimsical flight displays in the evening accompanied by their characteristic PEENT call and wing flutters! Sometimes we […]
Service in the Preserves: Prairie Road Fen
Service in the Preserves: Prairie Road Fen
For details, see the Service in the Preserves trip page on the Columbus Audubon website.