Avid Birders Current Schedule

Caspian Tern (immature) - Photo Earl Harrison

Our next trip is scheduled for Saturday, March 29, 2025.

The Avids March 29 field trip will be to the Greater Cleveland area and Holmes county looking for early migrants.

We will meet at Cabella’s at 6AM to arrange car pooling. Please plan to drive or bring $10 for your driver to help with fuel cost. Pack a lunch and plan to be out all day.

Our first stop will be Wendy Park where we will look for gulls, such as the Black-headed, Glaucous, and Iceland. Next we’ll go whereever any rare ducks or scoters are reported. Of course, we will attempt to see any other rare birds in the area. Following this,m we’ll stop in the Funk/Killbuck area to look for shorebirds.

As always, no registration needed, just show up. Birders of all skill levels are welcome.

We also have scheduled two more trips for this spring on May 3 and June 7, so mark your calendars now.

Leaders:  Donna Kuhn, Andy Sewell, Avi Eitam

Location and other trip information is posted shortly before each trip. This information is available at:

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