Tim Daniel is a lifelong resident of Ohio and has spent most of his life in central Ohio. Tim has been employed with the Ohio Division of Wildlife as a photographer and event planner for 17 years. He has a degree in communications from Franklin University and currently is on the board of directors of Columbus Audubon. He has led many workshops on wildlife photography, bats, raptors and owls. Tim’s photography has been featured in local and national publications as well as web sites, and used in ODNR publications such as Wild Ohio magazine, social media, web sites and brochures and publications.

Nina Harfmann is a photographer, writer and naturalist from central Ohio. While much of her photographic work is used by various non-profits within the wildlife community, her written work has been published in Bird Watcher’s Digest and Birding, the magazine of the American Birding Association. As an Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist, Nina leads hikes and birding activities within her local park district and contributes data to citizen-science-based projects such as the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Project Feeder Watch and Great Backyard Bird Count, various local Christmas Bird Counts and the Ohio Breeding Bird Atlas II. Wetlands, especially vernal pools, are among her favorite natural areas to explore.