Icebreaker Project: Audubon’s Position
In light of recent actions by the Ohio Power Siting Board, Audubon Great Lakes reaffirmed…
Wintering Owl Research in Central Ohio
Do you know — or suspect — where owls are wintering in your area? Please…
Swift Nights Out: September 11 – 13, 2020
Swift Night Out is the weekend for official counts of roosting Chimney Swifts. The swifts…
Everyday Heroes: Patsy Deerhake
The Columbus Dispatch recently honored Clintonville resident Patsy Deerhake as an “Everyday Hero”. We at…
Climate Presentation: Recording Available
If you want to hear Dr Terry Root’s September 8 climate presentation again, or you…
Happy Anniversary, Nature Scoop!
August was the 14-year anniversary of Nature Scoop, the online newsletter published by our friend,…