Promoting the appreciation, understanding and conservation of birds,
other wildlife and their habitats, for present and future generations.
Citizen Science Helps to Inform Bird Conservation
eBird song sparrow abundance map (source: A large-scale study recently…
Nation Audubon Society Statement to Election Winners
Read the post-election statement from the National Audubon Society in which we call on all…
Quieter Skies for Urban Birds
How the Lockdown Helped to Expose the Effects of Noise Pollution on Birdsong In last…
Prothonotary Warbler Adventures: 2020
The quest to attract nesting “golden swamp warblers” starts with re-establishing their nesting structures at…
Great Lakes Wetlands That Birds Love (and Need)
Here in Ohio, we know all about Great Lakes wetlands: in northwest Ohio, the wetlands…
Successful Workday at Calamus Swamp
Columbus Audubon volunteers had a terrific day on Saturday, September 19, at Calamus Swamp! Our…