Promoting the appreciation, understanding and conservation of birds,
other wildlife and their habitats, for present and future generations.
Senate Passes Water Conservation Amendment
In a bipartisan vote, the U.S. Senate passed an amendment to the annual Energy and…
David Sibley Calls for Protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Audubon has released a beautiful video in which David Sibley, noted wildlife artist and author…
Eco-Weekend Thanks
Columbus Audubon sends a huge THANK YOU to all who joined us at EcoWeekend 2016!…
Tamara James Receives 2016 Song Sparrow Award
You often hear of the 3 T’s in volunteerism – Time, treasure and talent, and…
Leave Wildlife in the Wild
Our friends at the Ohio Division of Wildlife have issued their annual advice to leave…
ODNR May Hikes in Ohio
Our friends at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources are hosting nature hikes through the…