MONTHLY PROGRAM: Kenn Kaufman, Inside the World of Bird Migration

Kenn Kaufman: Tuesday September 17th 7:00 pm, GIAC

Inside the World of Bird Migration

Migration is a huge phenomenon — involving billions of birds, some traveling thousands of miles — but oddly enough, it’s often invisible. Even after years of research, some things about migration are still mysterious, and some of the best-known “facts” about it turn out to be wrong. This is an inside look at the science (and the magic) of this wonderful worldwide movement of birds, with a special focus on the Lake Erie shoreline in northern Ohio.

Kenn Kaufman is an author, artist, photographer, lecturer, world traveler, and naturalist, dedicated to the cause of bird conservation. He is a Field Editor for Audubon magazine, a Fellow of the American Ornithological Society, and has received the American Birding Association’s lifetime achievement award — twice. The most recent of his dozen books is A Season on the Wind: Inside the World of Spring Migration, published in April 2019. He lives in Oak Harbor, Ohio, with his wife Kimberly, who is currently director of the Black Swamp Bird Observatory.

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