Fall Owl Walks at Walnut Woods
James Muller led groups of owl watching hopefuls on evening walks at Walnut Woods Metro…
2021 Prothonotary Warbler Season At Alum Creek Lake
The 2021 PROW season at the northern end of Alum Creek Lake near Kilbourne had…
October 30 Field Trip *** Full ***
The Fall Migrants / Rusty Blackbird field trip scheduled for October 30 is full. Thanks…
Upcoming Program: Tuesday, November 30
Please join us on Tuesday, November 30, at 6:30 pm as we welcome Rosalie Hendon…
Columbus Audubon Website Updated
We hope that you enjoy our newly updated website! We made some changes to give…
Growing Native: Our Family’s Journey
Native long-horned bees (Melissodes spp.) on orange coneflower My interest in plants began early. Although…
Notes from the Field
You probably know that Columbus Audubon shows up at many events around Central Ohio. We…
A New Migration Flight Record
On September 28, one small bird completed a very long flight. An adult, male Bar-tailed…
Central Ohio Owl Project: Update
Good news on the owl front! Blake Mathys of the Central Ohio Owl Project will…