Book Corner: Field Notes From An Unintentional Birder
Many birders who go on to write books about birds started birding as youngsters or…
Please – Birdathon Safely!
Please conduct your Birdathon in a safe (and fun) way. We ask that you observe…
The 2020 American Kestrel Nesting Season
Dick Tuttle shares the results of the Kestrel conservation efforts that he and Dick Phillips…
The Adventures of a 13 Year Old on a January 100 Mission
American Kestrel, one of the 100 birds January 17: I was in my room, sleeping…
Early Spring Woodcock Walk Glacier Ridge
A group of seven birders braved a chilly March evening at Glacier Ridge Metro Park…
Birds Add to Happiness
A recently released study concludes that diversity of bird species is associated with higher life…
Trees Slow Climate Change – At a Cost
Widespread forest management and protections against deforestation can help mitigate climate change – but will…
Martin Madness
Read an Eagle Scout’s account of his project building Purple Martin colonies and Blue Bird…
A Gathering of Eagles
Dick Tuttle tells us about his observations of a group of Bald Eagles feeding opportunistically…