Audubon Photography Awards
The winners of the Audubon Photography Awards for 2019 have been announced. There are more…
Summer Happenings – 2019
American Kestrels As of June 26, Dick Phillips and I have made nine monitoring trips…
Canada: State of the Birds
Audubon cares about bird conservation in the US, but also across the entire Western Hemisphere….
Overlooked No More: Florence Merriam Bailey
The New York Times ercently published an article about Florence Merriam Bailey as part of…
Prothonotary Warblers: A Columbus Connection
The Washington Post recently ran an article highlighting research by Prof Chris Tonra from The…
Longest Avids Ever: 15 June 2019
Two Avid Birders seize the whole day!
Central OYBC Conservation Project at OHC
The Central Ohio Young Birders refresh the bird feeding station at the Ohio History Connection,…
A Young Birder at the Biggest Week Festival
To walk or not to walk? But who knew that there would be a special…
Birding by Kayak
The central chapter of the OYBC went birding by kayak on June 1st. This has…