Nestbox Duties Between Nesting Seasons: Part 2
Dick Tuttle tells us more about how he and Dick Phillips prepare Kestrel nest boxes…
In Memoriam: Bill Thompson III
Columbus Audubon notes with sadness the passing of Bill Thompson III. Bill (or “BT3” to…
Avid Birders Schedule: 2019 – 2020
Here are the Saturday dates for Avid Birders outings for the coming year. Usually…
2018 Columbus CBC Weathers Strange Winter Conditions
Count Summary On December 16, 75 observers sponsored by CAS spent the day counting birds…
Best of Bird Cams 2018
Our friends at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology maintain quite a number of “bird cams”…
Delaware Township Hall Bluebird Trail
Delaware Township Hall, located at 2590 Liberty Road, is home to fourteen bluebird nestboxes. A…
Nestbox Duties Between Nestings: Part 1
Seasons Once our native birds have completed their nesting seasons, it is time to winterize…
Book Corner: Unseen City
The full title says it all: Unseen City: The Majesty of Pigeons, the Discreet Charm…
Chasing the (F)light: Tom Sheley
In this segment, Ohio Young Birder Adriana Losey interviews Tom, Sheley, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited…