Call for Volunteers to transport injured birds
As part of a statewide Lights Out network, we will start monitoring birds that get…
Short Notes for Early Spring 2018
Panhandle Road Grid (PRG) Update White baffles make it easy to…
Volunteers Needed to Transport Injured Birds
As part of a statewide Lights Out network, we will start monitoring birds that are…
Thank You Grange Insurance Audubon Center Volunteers!
The Grange Insurance Audubon Center has an amazing team of volunteers. Just a few of…
Blending Two Tree Swallow Nestbox Grids into One
Time passing promises change, especially when it involves industrious beavers and an aging body. At…
Earth Day Work Day at Green Lawn
Join Columbus Audubon in a work day for Earth Day at Green Lawn Cemetery on…
Red Crossbills Highlight Trip: 17 March 2018
The Avid Birders head north for crossbills and last looks at some winter birds
A Little Rusty on Rusty Blackbirds?
Even if your blackbird ID skills are a little “rusty”, you can spot Rusty Blackbirds…
Birding in Cuba: Randy Rogers
In this segment, Ohio Young Birder Charity Thomas interviews Randy Rogers who recently led an…