Audubon Response to Paris Climate Agreement Withdrawal
“Scrapping the Paris climate agreement is an abdication of American leadership in the fight against…
Birdathon 2017 Report: Slate (Run) Colored Juncos
Linda Benner and Lori Patterson represented the Slate (Run) Colored Juncos for a day of…
Report Turkey and Ruffed Grouse Sightings
If you run across either Wild Turkeys or a Ruffed Grouse while out and about,…
Birdathon 2017 Report: Calamus Swampers
The Calamus Swampers Birdathon Team was represented this year by Blaine & Ann Keckley, Lori…
Creature Feature: Merlin
As their range increases to the south, Merlins (Falco columbarius), the fierce little falcons once…
Conservation Grants: Chris Tonra
Dr Chris Tonra of The Ohio State University studies Prothonotary Warblers nesting in the Columbus…
Volunteer spotlight: Lois and John Day
Lois Day has been a Columbus Audubon volunteer for 35 years, helping build the organization…
Birds in the Crosshairs of White House Budget Proposal
Audubon released the following statement in response to the recently-released federal budget proposal. Major cuts…
Birdathon 2017 Report: BenAnnaquits
The BenAnnaquits were out the door at 2:00 am. Surely such effort would be rewarded…