Avid Birders Schedule: 2017 – 2018
Here are the Saturday dates for Avid Birders outings for the coming year. Usually…
Free App: Audubon Bird Guide
In case you missed it, the free Audubon Bird Guide: North America gives you a mobile field…
Video: Sandhill Cranes Lift Off
There’s nothing like being there….watching thousands upon thousands of Sandhill Cranes take off at sunrise…
Your Actions at Work
When Audubon heads to Capitol Hill to talk to lawmakers about issues that impact birds…
Why Native Plants?
Yeah, yeah, we’ve all heard it: plant native plants! But you may be asking why?…
Bring Birds to Your Yard
Audubon’s Web site has a great Guide to Luring Warblers, Tanagers, Orioles, and Grosbeaks to…
Avids Give Storms the Slip: 29 April 2017
The weather forecast looked frightful, but the birds were so delightful (with apologies to lyricist…
Field Trip Report: Calamus Swamp
On Saturday, April 29, 2017, an intrepid group dodged the rain to tour Columbus Audubon’s…
Budget Cuts Threaten Conservation
The administration has proposed a budget that includes severe cuts to conservation programs, even proposing…