2016 Delaware CBC: Birds Up, Counters Down
The day started inauspiciously with a pre-dawn sheet of ice on the roads. It was…
Making Broadcast Towers More Bird-Friendly
Here’s some good news for birds — and people. There’s a simple way to decrease…
Ohio Natural History Conference Feb 25
Our friends at the Ohio Biological Survey are sponsoring the Ohio Natural History Conference on Saturday,…
A new Bluebird Trail emerges at OSU Waterman Farms
On Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016, a sunny, beautiful fall day, twelve nestboxes for bluebirds were…
What Do Passion and Conservation Have in Common?
Bluebird conservation meets a passion for working with youth on important bird projects.
Creature Feature: Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
One of the most ubiquitous birds of eastern North America, The Northern Cardinal has benefited…
Calamus Swamp closed until further notice
Columbus Audubon’s Calamus Swamp will be closed to visitors until further notice. Damage to the…
Avid Birders 2017: The Year in Review
It’s traditional in January to look back on the previous year, so I decided…
Creature Feature: Dark-eyed Junco
Dark-eyed Junco – Photo Jim McCormac The Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis)…