Revised Central Ohio Annotated Checklist
Our friend and noted Columbus birder Bill Whan has revised his well-regarded Franklin County Annotated…
2016 Alum Creek Prothonotary Warbler Project
Disappointment, success, and new ideas made my efforts to help golden swamp warblers challenging in…
Avids Take Two: 10 September 2016
The Columbus Avid Birders September trip is one that usually focuses on fall migration,…
Audubon Launches “Plants for Birds”
Audubon has just rolled out a brand new program called Plants for Birds. It starts…
Swift Count Results: September 2016
Friday, September 9 Dublin: 45 Observers counted an outstanding total of 1,533 swifts at Sells Middle School….
Tips for Communicating with Bird Lovers About Climate Change
Climate change threatens more than 300 species of birds in North America and thousands more…
National Audubon Goals Rely on Network
“Extending our Conservation Reach Together” is the theme of the National Audubon Society’s five-year plan ending in 2020. “The…
Avids Take to the Beach: 27 August 2016
Shorebird migration in Ohio is heating up, and the trip was planned to take…
Coming Up: CA Bird Seed Sale
Time to get ready for Columbus Audubon’s annual bird seed sale! Fall migration is upon…