Birdathon 2016 Report: Archaeopteryx
Archaeopteryx Birdathon Team members signal their 148 species. LR: Donna Sheley,…
Eco-Weekend Thanks
Columbus Audubon sends a huge THANK YOU to all who joined us at EcoWeekend 2016!…
Tamara James Receives 2016 Song Sparrow Award
You often hear of the 3 T’s in volunteerism – Time, treasure and talent, and…
Creature Feature: The Frog that Ate the Midwest
Bullfrogs. They’re our ideal mental image of a frog: squat, slick, and green, with big eyes…
Leave Wildlife in the Wild
Our friends at the Ohio Division of Wildlife have issued their annual advice to leave…
ODNR May Hikes in Ohio
Our friends at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources are hosting nature hikes through the…
Changes to Audubon Magazine
As of the new May/June issue, some very cool changes are afoot for Audubon. The…
Hummingbird Personality Test?
No, we, re not psychoanalyzing our little feathered friends! But we have a quiz for you:…
BP Deepwater Horizon Settlement Approved — Finally
On April 20, a federal judge granted approval for the $20 billion settlement stemming from the BP Deepwater…