2014 Delaware CBC: Warm Weather, Relaxed Birds
Overview The Delaware Reservoir Christmas Bird Count was held on Sunday, December 14, 2014….
Alum Creek Prothonotary Warbler Project in 2014
Conservationist Dick Tuttle reports on his Prothonotary Warbler nest box project at Alum Creek through…
Avids Dodge Dicey Weather: 6 December, 2014
Avids trips are often planned according to what birds are being seen and where the…
2014 Fall Chimney Swift Counts
In addition to providing nest boxes and help for Kestrels, Bluebirds, and other species, Dick…
Tick/Lyme Disease Information
Outdoor enthusiasts, including birders and hikers as well as hunters, are at some risk of…
Columbus Zoo Conservation – Rebecca Rose
In this segment, Ohio Young Birder Joey Tomei interviews Rebecca Rose, about her conservation work…
Avids Miss Snow Business: 15 November, 2014
With the weather prognosticators discussing Polar Vortexes and White Death, the Avids November planners decided…
Delaware County Kestrel Nestbox Report: 2014
During the past twenty nesting seasons, 920 American Kestrels have fledged from nestboxes mostly located…
International Crane Foundation – George Archibald
In this segment, Ohio Young Birder Chloe Degitz interviews Dr George Archibald, founder of the International…