2013 Delaware CBC
The Delaware Reservoir Christmas Bird count for 2013 may have been one of the snowiest…
Another Successful OYBC Annual Conference
<img class=" alignleft size-full wp-image-2020" style="margin-right: 10px; float: left;" src="https://columbusaudubon.org/wp-content/uploads/2013AnnualConf-LauraStiefel.jpg" alt="2013 Annual Conference (Photo Laura…
A Bluebird Trail’s History: 1977 – 2013
October, 2013: Birds and Bison
On October 27, our Central Chapter of the Ohio Young Birders Club went to Battelle…
Avids Weather the Winds of Adversity: 22 November, 2013
The winds of November were blowing, with weather more in line with December Avids trips…
People, Glaciers, and Climate: Dr Lonnie Thompson
In this segment, Ohio Young Birder Sarah Seeley interviews Dr Lonnie Thompson of Ohio State’s Byrd…
Purple Martins: What A Trip!
Biography of Alexander Wilson – Edward Burtt
In this segment, Ohio Young Birder Stephen Bischoff interviews the late Prof Edward “Jed” Burtt, author…
Avids Spy on Sparrows: 12 October, 2013
October Avids trips tend to focus on the middle stage of fall migration in Ohio,…