An Ohio Young Birder at Camp Avocet
<img class=" alignleft size-full wp-image-1952" style="margin-right: 10px; float: left;" src="" alt="Cape May Sunset" width="100" height="75"…
Lake Hope SP
On August 17, The Ohio Young Birders’ Club went to Lake Hope Sate Park in…
Wood Pewees: the Non-reticent Migrants
Where do the migrants hide during the day? And why don’t pewees go there? We’ve…
Black & Whites Invade Columbus
It was an amazingly predictable occurrence this Summer. I would be visiting some dense forest…
Avids Circle the Harbor: 17 August 2013
The August Avid Birders traditionally is about two things: shorebirds and heat. In times gone…
In Memoriam: Jane Ann Ellis
We at Columbus Audubon are saddened to learn that Jane Ann (Wells) Ellis recently passed…
Tri-Valley Wildlife Area
For this trip, the OYBC Central Ohio Chapter visited a grassland in the Tri-Valley Wildlife…
Galena Boardwalk in Summer – It’s more interesting than you might think.
I was birding around north Hoover back in late June, and I had to stop…
Blacklick Woods, …er Creek at Woods
Mention “Blacklick Woods” to most central Ohio birders, or even non-birders, and they’ll immediately think…