Sharing Their Passion, One Feeder at a Time
On a cool September afternoon, 10 student members from the Central Ohio Chapter of the…
Nesting Kestrels Establish New Record in 2012
As monitors of a fifty-mile-long roadside nestbox project for American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in Delaware…
Shorebirding in Central Ohio
Hoover Reservoir looked like it was on fire, with the mist rising off the lake,…
Dr Bernard Master Hits Birding Goal
Dr. Bernard (Bernie) Master, longtime Audubon member, has reached a significant — and rather amazing…
Birdin’ and Chillin’ at Seneca Lake
The plan was for the Central Ohio Chapter of the Ohio Young Birders Club to…
Avids Atlantic Adventure: 7-9 September, 2012
Perhaps it was the unusually good shorebird migration in Ohio, but in any event the…
Arc of the Avids: 25 August, 2012
Only seven of us showed up for this month’s Avids trip; after recent monster rallies…
Creature Feature: Great Egret
Great Egret Gliding (Photo courtesy Kim Graham, copyright 2012) It’s one…
Birding by Kayak: 11 August, 2012
This morning was the summer’s third installment of Columbus Audubon’s Birding by Kayak at The…