Sample Letter: John S

Hello all.

I know you’ve been watching your email each day, thinking it must be about that time again time to hear from John about the Birdathon!

Well, wait no more!

The annual National Audubon Society Birdathon is about to take place for 2012.

For those of you who know what a Birdathon is, you can move on to the next paragraph. For those of you who are strangers to a Birdathon, I know, you’re asking, “WHAT is a BIRD – A -THON???” Those of us that are birders and list makers (enough of the strange looks already! 🙂 include among our lists a list of birds we see in a day, in a year, in a lifetime. A Birdathon is yet another chance to make a list (yippee!!!) of the species of birds seen in a 24 hour period. A walkathon is a walk to raise money for a cause, a Birdathon is a birding trip to raise money, and have fun doing it.

Our team is doing this mostly for fun and to help others learn more about birding. We expect to see somewhere between 30 and 50 species. (There are a few groups of birders who record over 100, and the two leading groups usually find about 170!!! – in Ohio)

I am asking for your sponsorship of this quest. There are two ways you can be a sponsor: – by pledging an amount per bird (i.e. 25 cents a bird) – or a total amount $5, $10, $25 etc.. Either form is appreciated. Sign up today by sending me a note.

The money collected will be given directly to the Columbus Audubon Society to support Audubon activities around Ohio.

If you have any questions, please ask. If you’d like to join us, please ask!!!! We’d love to have more birders. We’ll be birding on Saturday, May 5, and I’ll collect after that.

