Sponsoring a Team

Our sponsors make the Birdathon successful! The Birdathon is teamwork at its best. While the birders enjoy the fun of the birding, it’s our sponsors who really give them the reason to go out into the field. Without sponsors, it would just be another bird walk. But knowing there are people donating money for every bird species they see, the birders are on a mission, and somehow, that makes it all more fun. It’s you, the sponsor, that makes it worthwhile. Thank you.

To sponsor a team, you can

  • click here to pledge online now!
  • or click here for a form that you can mail in
  • or fill out the Pledge Form in the May issue of The Song Sparrow, the newsletter of Columbus Audubon
  • or talk directly to a member of one of the teams.

You can even form your own team and sponsor yourself.

Thank you for you support of Columbus Audubon.