Remembering Margaret Morse Nice

Margaret Morse Mice

June 26, 2024, marked the 50th anniversary of the passing of Margaret Morse Nice, one of the true pioneers of field research in ornithology — and a “patron saint” for Columbus Audubon.

Nice did much of her most important research work right here in Columbus; her monumental project was the intense study of the behavior of Song Sparrows. (Now you know why the Song Sparrow is on Columbus Audubon’s logo!) At a time when avian research mostly consistent of shooting birds to obtain specimens, Nice studied them in their natural habitats.

Check out these quotations about Nice from these eminent ornithologists:

“the mother of international ornithology”—Erwin Stresemann

“almost single-handedly initiated a new era in American ornithology”—Ernst Mayr

“the one who laid the foundation for . . . population studies”—Niko Tinberg

And there’s this quotation from her posthumously published autobiography

“The study of nature is a limitless field, the most fascinating adventure in the world.  I feel that ornithology is a splendid pursuit . . . . We who love nature, who see and try to understand and interpret, . . . . have a talisman against the futility of the lives of many people.  We must try to open the eyes of the unseeing to the beauty and wonder of the earth and its wild life.”
Margaret Morse Nice

There’s far more to the MMN story than we can tell here, so do an internet search to learn more about this very accomplished woman and her fascinating career!

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