Cold Temperatures Promote Spread of a Bird Pink Eye Pathogen at Winter Feeders
A pathogen for bird pink eye remains viable on bird feeders in winter conditions much…
2024 Columbus CBC Socked with Rain Again, Yet Birders Roll with It
On December 15, 87 observers sponsored by CAS spent the day counting birds in different…
Recent Rarities: Anna’s Hummingbird
Featured photo at top by Alex Eberts.Editor’s note: Wow! Ohio has been graced with a…
Hitchin’ a Ride: A Ring-billed Gull Story
By Julie Zickefoose Excerpted from BWD Magazine, Jan/Feb 2024 It’s 5 pm on December 27,…
Waterbirds in the Rain
“Darn”, I thought, “it looks pretty threatening. I’d better hurry through this.” I had driven…
Wood Pewees: the Non-reticent Migrants
Where do the migrants hide during the day? And why don’t pewees go there? We’ve…