Service In The Preserves January 22, 2022

On January 22, Service in the Preserves volunteers went to Siegenthaler Esker Nature Preserve. We spent that cold winter day cutting and burning brush, and eventually cleared a section on the Northern esker. Since the beginning of the SIP program, our group has visited this preserve multiple times. We focused mainly on woody vegetation removal as the esker is becoming overgrown with trees and shrubs, and is disappearing from sight.

By the way, do you know what an esker is? (hint: Wisconsinan glacier covered Ohio 20,000 years ago).

Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) featured our work trip on its FB page, and we have received a warm thank-you note that said:

Dear friends,

Thank you all so much for coming on Saturday to help us in our continued woody vegetation removal efforts at Siegenthaler Esker. It was a fun and productive day and, as always, we enjoyed seeing all of you.

We’re looking forward to February at Prairie Road Fen!


West Region staff

Service in the Preserves is a longtime collaboration between Columbus Audubon and ODNR. Join us for the upcoming projects. It is a wonderful way to contribute to local nature conservation and see jewels of Ohio’s preserve system.

Upcoming Projects

   March 5 – Davey Woods – woody invasive species management 

   Apr 23 – Miller – Garlic mustard pull and woody removal 

   May 14 – Rhododendron cove – Garlic mustard pull  

   June 4 – Collier or Lawrence Woods – Garlic mustard pull and boardwalk leveling/repair  

Visit our webpage to more information.