Conservation Spotlight: Learn about GreenSpot from David Celebrezze, coordinator of the program. Is your house or work place a GreenSpot? David will share how to sign up and more insights of the program.
Columbus’ Efforts to Combat and Adapt to Climate Change by Erin Miller, Environmental Steward Erin Miller, appointed by Mayor Coleman as the environmental steward for the City of Columbus in 2009, will share what the city of Columbus is doing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for a changing climate.
Erin is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the Columbus Green Community Plan, directing the Mayor’s Green Team, and educating and engaging members of the community in sustainability initiatives, including development of the city’s first comprehensive residential recycling program.
Prior to serving with the City, Erin was the Director of the Center for Energy & Environment at Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission and has been working in the environmental field for over 18 years. Erin graduated with a B.S. degree in Environmental Sciences & Ecology from Otterbein University in 1997. In 2014, she was awarded Otterbein’s Young Alumni Award for Leadership and Citizenship as well as the MORPC Green Leader Award.