With the efforts of CA volunteers partnering with GIAC, students of the after school program at the South Side Settlement House enjoyed a year of discovery learning, not only about birds in their own neighborhood, but about birds and habitats and the changing seasons at the Scioto Audubon Metro Park (formerly Whittier Peninsula).

As in the past years, students continued their observations of birds at the several feeder stations located on SSS grounds and sent their findings via computer along to Cornell University as part of the neighborhood bird watch program. The students also assisted in confirming bird species and populations at the GIAC location throughout the seasons. These students got down and dirty by assisting in the planting of trees in the new park as well as weeding out the invasive plants that have overtaken the area. The kids learned first hand the value of neighborhood conservation!
The program year culminated with a “Spring Festival” that highlighted their work throughout the year, displaying their findings based on observations at SSS feeder stations as well as their analysis of seasonal fluctuations of birds at Scioto Audubon Metro Park. The students, SSS staff and parents also enjoyed seeing live birds from the Ohio Nature Education organization as well as testing their skills with bird trivia, comparing their “wingspan” with that of several of North America’s birds, honing their bird ID skills, and enjoying pizza and sodas. Through the year of long activities and the opportunities to assist in field research, these students are well on their way to being great conservators of our world!
Thanks and appreciation were expressed by the staff at SSS, CA and GIAC to the people who made this program possible: Dedicated CA volunteers-Frank & Karen Martens, Betty Daniell, Carolyn Hill, Tami King, Johann Cozart and Susan Setterlin. Doreen Whitley of GIAC our partner with this program provided great curriculum support as well as thought provoking field studies for the students .