Chimney Swift

chimney swiftLocal swift counts in August were successful, with hundreds of swifts seen entering chimneys at two locations (Dublin and Clintonville). Here’s updated information for our September counts:

In Dublin, the next Swift Count will be on September 12 (rain date September 13) at 6:30 pm at Sells Middle School, 150 W Bridge St. Meet behind the 1919 building and in front of the tennis courts.

In Clintonville, the Swift Counts will be on September 12 at Bishop Watterson High School. Park directly in front of the school building on Foster st, just off E Cooke Rd.

In Westerville, the next count will be on Friday, September 11 at 6:30 pm at the Blendon #339 Masonic Lodge at 130 South State St. in uptown Westerville, just south of the Westerville Library. Meet in the parking lot behind the building, which can be accessed via the alley on the south side of the lodge. You also can access the area by turning into the public library access rd from Walnut St. There will be handouts and study skins at the count for added learning. Call (614) 899-9453 with any questions.

For all counts, bring your binoculars, a chair or other seat if you like, and insect repellant just in case.