Swift Nights Out: August 13 – 15, 2021

Chimney Swifts

All three night featured perfect weather for the Clintonville team at Indian Springs Elementary School. On Friday, four people were present. On Saturday, a few more joined in. And on Sunday, we had quite an audience as the Clintonville Roller Club was already there blasting out some tunes and skating gigantic circles through the parking lot. The swift counters watched the fun until we had to concentrate on the birds; meanwhile, the swifts didn’t care a bit, putting on their usual show.

Special thanks to the following counters: John and Gerry Brevoort, Bill and Mary Heck, Kathy Grannan, Steve and Debbie Britten, Bob and Rita Kraisen, and Gary and Beth Daugherty.

Darlene Sillick counted at Sells Middle School.

Our newest swift count was at Worthington Colonial Heights Elementary, where Madeline Wellman had great nights Saturday and Sunday. Madeline just started covering Colonial Heights last year, but this site is producing our best Chimney Swift numbers. Thank you Madeline!

DateFriday, August 13Saturday, August 14Sunday, August 15Average
Clintonville: Indian Springs377401397392
Dublin: Sells211211
Worthington: Colonial Hills415610513
Swift Counts

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