Swift Nights Out: September 11 – 13, 2020

Chimney Swift - Photo Andy Reago and Chrissy McLarren

Again this month, we had wonderful weather: on Friday, a pleasant 66 degrees, cloudy but with a light breeze; on Saturday, a much a warmer 81 and cloudy, but still with a lovely breeze. We had eight observers on Friday and 7 on Saturday. Our swift counts are shown in the table below.

Special thanks to the following counters:

  • John and Gerry Brevoort (Friday, Saturday)
  • Bill and Mary Heck (Saturday)
  • Coleen Sharkey (Saturday, with torn up knee and all!)

Friday’ count at John Sells Middle School also had good weather. Our swift count guru, Darlene Sillick, handled the duties there.

Our newest swift count location was covered by Jenny Bowman on Friday and Saturday. Groveport Madison certainly turned out to be popular with the swifts, especially on Friday, with a four figure count! Thanks Jenny.

Our newest swift counter, Madeline Wellman, was on duty at Colonial Hills Elementary, this time assisted by Jenny Bowman. Thank you both.

Jenny returned later in the week and counted 2200(!) swifts. She reports that Colonial Hills was the best roost she has seen in central Ohio this year!

We did not have anyone to cover this location for September.

September 11
Saturday, September 12Sunday,
September 13
Average Count
Clintonville: Indian Springs Elementary513543528
Dublin: Sells Middle School485485
Groveport Madison Middle School1000300650
Worthington: Colonial Heights8101300+1055
Worthington: United Methodist Church
Swift Count results
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