The Columbus Audubon trip around this downtown MetroPark this morning found a rapidly heating day and few migrants. Water level in the Scioto River was very low, attracting in fair numbers of herons and killdeer. Shore riparian woods had lots of residents, but cedar waxwings were the only migrant in numbers. I also made stops at Long Street dam and Berliner Park outside the trip and found similar birds to Scioto Audubon, but with a boost in raptors. Highlights included:
- Herons,Egrets – Great Egrets were at every stop, topped by 6 off the boat ramp at Scioto
- Waterfowl – no early migrants, but we did have Wood Ducks in a few spots.
- Raptors – Cooper’s Hawks were at Long St. and Berliner, while Berliner had an immature Bald Eagle perched in a snag along the river.
- Shorebirds – river mudflats attracted 40-50 Killdeer, and Scioto Audubon also had a Solitary Sandpiper.
- Flycatchers – nothing except a Phoebe at Berliner
- Swallows – only 2 Rough-wings were at Scioto Audubon
- Vireos – not a one
- Thrushes – a few Swainson’s were scattered between all 3 sites, nowhere common.
- Mimids – Catbirds were common, and Scioto Audubon had 2 Brown Thrashers.
- Cedar Waxwings – many were feeding on bugs and hackberries along the river at each stop. Scioto Audubon had 50+.
- Warblers – Scioto Audubon had 2 late Yellow Warblers around the boat ramp, giving us good looks. This park also had a handful of Redstarts, Nashvilles, and Magnolias. Berliner had only a single Black-throated Green a Bay-breasted.
- Buntings,Grosbeaks – no buntings, but a Rose-breasted Grosbeak was at the Long Street dam.